
Letra Hullaballabalú Tradução em português

Para, padam padam, para
Pararara rara, pararara rara, para

Húllabbalabbalúú, húllabbalabbalúú
Húllabbalabbalúú, húllabbalabbalúú
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep down
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep...
Húllabbalabbalúú, say kings of every land
Húllabbalabbalúú, say him and me and you
Húllabbalabbalúú, say birds of every land
Húllabbalabbalúú, say them and him and me and you
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep down
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep...

Húllabbalabbalúú... Para, padam padam, para
Pararara rara, pararara rara, para

Húllabbalabbalúú, say kings of every land
Húllabbalabbalúú, say him and me and you
Húllabbalabbalúú, say birds of every land
Húllabbalabbalúú, say them and him and me and you
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
In these words we drown, in these words we drown
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep down
Deep, deep, deep down, deep, deep, deep...

Húllabbalabbalúú... Húllabbalabbalúú... Húllabbalabbalúú...

Letras de Hullaballabalú realizados por Múm são de propriedade dos autores, artistas e etiquetas. Você deve ter notado que as letras Hullaballabalú realizados por Múm só é fornecido apenas para fins educacionais e se você gosta da música que você deve comprar o CD

Qual é o significado da letra: Hullaballabalú?